Insider management
Since 1 March 2000, Teleste complies with the insider guidelines of Nasdaq Helsinki Oy in their valid form at any given time. The company also has its own insider guidelines, which have been approved by the company’s Board of Directors.
Teleste maintains project-specific and event-specific insider lists as necessary. Project-specific insider lists include the persons who work for Teleste under an employment contract or other agreement and receive insider information concerning an individual project, as well as any other persons to whom Teleste discloses insider information concerning an individual project. ‘Project’ refers to an identifiable arrangement or set of procedures which is being prepared at Teleste in strict confidence and which, when disclosed, could materially affect the value of Teleste’s financial instrument. The CEO evaluates each case to determine whether a set of procedures or an arrangement is considered as a project.
Persons discharging managerial responsibilities at Teleste with the obligation to notify are the Board members, the CEO, the CFO, the SVP in charge of the Networks business unit and the SVP in charge of the Video Security and Information business unit. They and persons closely associated with them shall notify Teleste and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority of any transactions they conduct in Teleste’s financial instruments. Teleste informs about transactions reported to it in a specific stock exchange release. It is recommended for persons discharging managerial responsibilities at Teleste to time their trading activities involving financial instruments issued by Teleste in such a manner that as accurate as possible information affecting the value of the share is available in the market.
The persons discharging managerial responsibilities at Teleste are not permitted, on their own account or on behalf of others, directly or indirectly, to trade in financial instruments issued by Teleste during the “closed window” period, that is, for thirty (30) days prior to the publication of an interim report and financial statement release. Teleste has expanded the closed window to also apply to persons participating in the preparation of interim reports and/or financial statement releases. Such persons are subject to the same closed window of thirty (30) days.
Teleste’s insider administration supervises compliance with the insider guidelines and maintains insider lists as well as a list of persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them. Teleste’s Legal Counsel is in charge of insider issues.
People employed by Teleste may report any suspected violations of rules and regulations concerning the financial markets through an independent channel within the company.
Updated 2022