AC6993 Transponder

AC6993 Transponder
AC6993 Transponder

The AC6993 is a DOCSIS 3.1 frequency range compatible CATVisor/HMS transponder containing an RF modem and a level measurement unit.

The AC6993 transponder can be used to add remote monitoring and control, ALSC, automatic forward and return path alignment, forward path spectrum analyser, return path ingress analyser and extended frequency range return path pilot generator to AC3x10 amplifiers.

Features at a glance:

  • Compatible with: AC3010, AC3210
  • Plug-in unit with no additional cables
  • Lid status monitoring with light sensor
  • Pushbutton for true Plug-and-Play: full automatic alignment of both forward and return path signal paths


Product Specifications

Data rate
38400 bps
Modulation method
FSK, f = 67 kHz
Channel bandwidth
400 kHz
Downstream frequency range

80…88 MHz
108…132 MHz
160…176 MHz
216…264 MHz

Upstream frequency range
5…65 MHz
Frequency raster
0.1 MHz
Frequency inaccuracy
< 10 kHz
Downstream input level range
60…90 dBĪ¼V
Upstream output level range
75…104 dBĪ¼V
Transmit power delta (ā€œ0ā€ vs. ā€œ1ā€)
< 1 dB
Transmitter spurious (Tx on)
< -55 dBc
Transmitter spurious (Tx off)
< 25 dBĪ¼V
Off state attenuation
> 60 dB
Forward path RF level measurements: ALSC and spectrum analyser
Forward path measurement range
50ā€¦1218 MHz, 0.25 MHz steps
Measurement bandwidth
0.35 MHz
Measurement inaccuracy
< 1.0 dB
Dynamic range
80ā€¦120 dBĪ¼V
Detection mode
Analog / Digital
Return path RF level measurements: Ingress Buster
Return path measurement range
5ā€¦204 MHz, 0.25 MHz steps
Measurement bandwidth
0.35 MHz
Measurement inaccuracy
< 1.5 dB
Dynamic range
20ā€¦75 dBĪ¼V
Detection mode
Analog / Digital
Return path pilot generator
Number of pilots
up to 4
*Pilot frequency range
5ā€¦204 MHz, 0.1 MHz steps
*Pilot level range

75ā€¦100 dBĪ¼V for ā‰¤ 65 MHz
75ā€¦90 dBĪ¼V for > 65 MHz

Pilot level inaccuracy
< 1.5 dB
*Spurious tones
< -45 dBc
*Items marked with asterisk have changed from AC6992
Power consumption
1.8 W
Dimensions (h x w x d)
80 mm x 52 mm x 21 mm
Operating temperature range
see platform specifications
EN 50083-2
Image illustrates the Support link.


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